This is ironic ...
It's not that I've found what I was looking for. In fact, it's quite the opposite of that. I think that right now I'm further away than ever from the philosophical concept that once held me captive. I wanted to find a way for humans to save themselves from themselves. Whether it was a massive spiritual and intellectual awakening or some method of shock therapy, I wanted to find the answer, the key, the core of why we as a race are lost on ourselves.
So far, what have I found? Nothing. In fact, I've become somewhat lost myself. Other than finding love and realizing that life is so much more than just philosophy, I've really slid down the slippery slope of hapless humanity. But all of this isn't human at all! It's like a viral sort of materialism has infested itself among the brightness that humanity once was. I've become somewhat infected, too. I keep wanting more, more and more, without realizing that it's inconsequential. More is less when you realize what you had to do to get it.
I guess I've gotten sidetracked, yet again. I've discussed the here and now with the dear at heart. It is said that I want too much too fast. It has been said that my ambition and my life are like my thoughts getting ahead of my pen. If you don't slow down and savor every word you'll lose it all before it gets on paper. So, if I don't slow down with my ambitions, I'll lose track of where I wanted my life to go.
I may not get a do-over, but I certainly get a do-again. I'll wake up tomorrow morning and make sure that every moment that I have spare is put towards doing what I can and doing it right to get where I'm going, not necessarily tonight. But maybe the next day ...
Or maybe a few years from now. It's about putting the pen down.
I haven't really been able to let the beauty flow through me. I've been hanging on and choking it with my own love for beauty.
My prescription? See beauty and appreciate. Share when necessary and sometimes when not.
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