Monday, January 10

Tough to be queen...

Compromise: settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions.

So, by reading Merriam-Webster's definition of "compromise," one would assume that TWO people would compromise to meet their respective ends. However, to the man, "compromise" means that I do whatever I can to make sure that he gets what he wants. For example, I want to listen to a playlist on my PC and he wants to watch TV. His version of compromise would include him watching TV, and me being screwed.

Random Word of Advice: If you are ever to move into an apartment with someone that you love or care about, make sure that no matter what they do, you will still be able to love and honor them. If you are unsure at any point in the road, FORGET IT... DON'T DO IT... JUST DON'T...


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