Friday, May 20

True friends are the ones that help you move...

Well, I guess that since all of my siblings are going to pitch-in to help me get the hell out of that apartment, I have lots of loyal friends. I mean, I didn't think that they would volunteer so openly and freely... In fact, I didn't think that all the people that did volunteer would do so that way. I mean, it's crazy... I have tons of people that care about me. That's a good feeling, as Martha would say.

This week I've been working on RECON and the brochure all by my lonesome. I think that it's good for me, to finally get out from under Ellissa's wing and try to do this on my own. I'm happy with the results, and so is David, our senior editor.

If things fall through with every other job I've applied for, I think I'm going to take that position as Editorial Assistant here. I can do this, I mean, it's not bad pay, and it's a place that I like, well, I like the people at least... The director of the center just walked up to me to tell me congratulations on graduating! I got like 5 or 6 cards from staff members and like $35.00 for graduating from Real Estate Center staff alone. That's pretty cool.

So, the long and short of it is, it doesn't matter where I'm at, as long as I'm happy. And besides, with a new car, which this job will definately be able to afford me, I can go wherever I want!

If I stay in College Station for a few years, it's alright, but I'd rather leave, to tell you the truth...

Tuesday, May 17

He knows...

I don't know how to feel right now. Should I be relieved that he finally knows my secret, or should I be sad that I deceived him? Was it worth all this? How should I feel?

I'll be moving soon.

Bachelor of Science...

My two biggest fans: Daddy Phil and Mrs. E.J Jemison.

Me and Meggo (my sister-in-law... yeah, I have one of those.) at my graduation. 5/14/05

My thighs are melting away, as is my hope of finding a job any time soon. It's okay, because it only cost $80.00 to fix Rhonda today. But still, I wanted to have what I NEEDED... I don't need to keep throwing money away in Rhonda! I need to make an investment that will help me, not continue to make me miserable.

Oh, and I graduated. Four years of toil, being judged by someone who only wants you to learn what "they" feel is important. Why does education have to be so arbitrary? Why can't it be more like a buffet. You learn what you really need to know and you want to learn in the way you best learn it. Seems simple enough, RIGHT? I mean, really. Why should it be such a waste of money? I learned a ton these four years, but less of it was in theory, and most of it was applied.

I think that students should be charged for post-secondary education, but I think that it should be a lot more market based. Like, for instance, you pay what the VALUE based on the QUALITY of the education is. So, the disparity between state school and GOOD private institutions should be larger... That way, state funded schools have more incentive to improve their ranks and course, because they cannot survive without quality. Instead, the opposite. Shitty education at frightening rates.

*and now, for something completely different*