Monday, August 23

Take love to heart, and hate to the grave.

I can't believe that reconciliation can come about so quickly. I awoke Saturday with the man sleeping on the couch. I roused him, and a single tear cascaded across my cheek as if it had been planning its escape for years. As he held me, I breathed him in like his scent was something satisfying to my soul. At that time we hadn't said more than 20 words to each other in a matter of three days. It was home having him back in my arms.

If I've learned anything at all about the male of our species during this trial by fire, I've learned that men do not react to problems in a relationship as women do. Men require a certain amount of space and silence in order for them to sort out what they feel. Women differ greatly from men in that we can tell another human how we are feeling straight off the cuff, only because the majority of women have experience with expressing these heartaches and discomforts that life so shockingly hurls in our paths.

It came as a great amazement that the man felt completely comfortable rejoining our everyday existence after our sebattical. We went to the cinema, shopping, and we went to a poker game. It's funny how love can bring you back so quickly.

It's not a surprise that he asked me what I did that Wednesday night.


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